Resealing Singapore Probate In The UK

An increasing number of people leave assets in lots of different countries, so what is the process to release those assets in the UK, if the Deceased was permanently living in a country outside the UK ? The starting point is which Country did the Deceased live ? The UK has a Colonial Probates Act.…

Contesting a will due to dementia

How To Prove Undue Influence In A Will

How to Prove Undue Influence In A will To dispute a will you must have a legal basis. Typical examples include issues relating to :- the capacity of the deceased, the validity of the will itself, or claims under the Inheritance Act 1975, when a will fails to leave adequate provision. However the most common…

Undue Influence Meaning

Contesting a will is never straightforward, however one of the most worrying cases we handle are those involving undue influence. Typically, undue influence cases arise when a will is suddenly changed with no apparent explanation with an estate often left to someone outside of a family. The onus of proving undue influence always rests upon…

Deceased Father Not On Birth Certificate ?

Sometimes the father of a Child may not be named on a birth certificate. Typically, this most frequently arises when a couple are unmarried. If a couple are married, the Father does not need to be present with the Birth is registered, and consequently can be named on the Birth Certificate. If the Couple are…

Being Left Out Of A Parents Will

There is nothing more upsetting than finding out that you have been left out of a parents will. So what are your options ? Obtaining a Copy of a will Firstly, it is important to get hold of the will. Without this it is difficult for anyone to advise you properly. If you do not…

Probate Court Fees 2019

Probate Court Fees 2019 The Government announced late in 2018, a substantial increase in the Court fees when applying for probate. So what does this actually mean and when will the increase take place ? The present position Currently, there are fixed fees that the Government charge when applying for probate. The fees differ depending…