Are you an Executor or family member that has been told you need probate? Unsure where to start, how long it will take and how much it will cost? if so we can help you.
Unhappy, frustrated or upset with a will? Have you been left out of a will, or disinherited? Unsure where to start? We specialise in contesting wills, and can help you.
If you are an Executor, Foreign attorney/lawyer or beneficiary outside the UK and need help resealing probate in the UK or collecting UK assets after someone has died. We can help.
Unfortunately, problems can arise with wills, but what are the most common issues? And what can be done if there is something wrong with the Will.
Affordable, Cost Effective Probate Services in the UK
Do You Need Help With Probate ?
Are you an Executor, Administrator, or family member that is seeking help with Probate. Unsure of what to do, how much it will cost and how long it will take ? we can help.
The probate process can be time consuming, complicated and stressful. As nationwide probate specialists, we are experts in helping families obtain probate.
Let us help you with all or any of the following:-
- Assistance to Executors administering estates
- Releasing money from a bank account after someone has died
- The sale of a property owned by a Deceased
- Release of Shares owned by a Deceased
- Claims under pensions or life insurance policies
- What to do when there is no will
Need Advice on Contesting a will?
Contesting a Will claims
We specialise in will disputes.
We can advise you on all aspects on how to contest a will and whether you have a claim, maybe you were cut out of will, was the will correctly witnessed ? did the Deceased have the capacity to make a will, was undue influence brought upon the deceased to make a will, did the will leave adequate provision ? whatever your reason for wanting to contest a will, we can advise you on all the necessary steps to ensure that you have the best possible chance of succeeding.
We have a dedicated contested probate team who can advise you immediately, on a No Win No Fee Basis.
We regularly help families in the following types of will disputes :-
- cases involving issues relating to the capacity of the Deceased to make a will
- undue influence in the way the will was made
- lost original will claims
- problem will cases when issues arise over how the will was made or its meaning
- claims against estates when there has been a failure to leave adequate financial provision ( inheritance act claims )
- broken promise claims against an estates
- defending estates against claims
- issuing a Caveat
- Issuing Caveat Warnings and Appearances
International Probate Services
International Probate : Resealing Probate In the UK
If you are a lawyer, executor or administer outside the UK we can advise you on the appropriate probate process in the UK to ensure the release of UK assets.
We regularly help clients from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Canada, with resealing probate applications in the UK.
Our international team also regularly help, lawyers and Executors from the USA, Spain, France and most EU countries.
If you need help collecting UK assets send an enquiry now or call our international team direct.
Why Choose Us?
✔ Cost effective with a Guaranteed Fixed Probate Service so you always know the exact cost
✔ Experienced and friendly – we take care to advise our clients in simple Plain English
✔ The Trusted Probate Provider, with 5 Star Google Reviews
✔ All fees deferred until probate granted
✔ We provide a nationwide probate service
✔ Able to Offer a No Win No Fee Service on contested probate cases
✔ Experienced and fully regulated probate solicitors
Common Probate Questions
Probate can be a confusing subject, and therefore knowing where to start can be difficult. Our website is packed full of lots of information on probate, even if you don’t need our help, set out below are the most frequently asked probate questions :
Probate is simply the legal term given to the process that is followed after someone has died. It ends with the probate court issuing a grant of probate to the executor in the will. If there is no will, the legal document is called a grant of letters of administration. Once issued assets can be collected and the estate administered.
Probate is not always needed, however you will need probate, to sell a property, bring a claim on behalf of an estate, or close a bank account with a large balance ( typically over £25,000)
There is no set timeframe for probate – each case always varies depending upon the nature of the assets and liabilities. In very straightforward cases you can obtain probate within 5-6 weeks, most cases it is typically 12-14 weeks however for more complicated cases it can take 6-12 months.
We offer a guaranteed fixed fee policy on all probate cases – to see more of our services please click here.
If there is no will, the estate will be subject to the intestacy rules, which set out how the estate is administered. You read more about the intestacy rules by clicking here
The original of a will must always be obtained – in certain cases a copy of a will application can be made – we specialise in lost original will cases.
There are various ways in which a will may become invalid. The most common grounds are when there are issues with the will itself, in so far as it is not signed or witnessed correctly. Alternatively, there are various ways in which a will becomes invalid when contested for example, when it can be shown the testator lacked capacity, or the will was made under indue influence. Our post here explains in more detail.
There are numerous people that can contest a will, that range from family members ( blood relatives ), someone who had lived with the deceased or was dependant upon him/her, a beneficiary under an earlier will, a debtor, someone owed money, or a person that had been promised something by the Deceased. More detail upon who can contest a will can be seen by clicking here.
There are various ways in which the cost of contesting a will can be paid. We offer a range of funding options from fixed fees, hourly rate options and Deferred fees until the end of all work undertaken, or fixed fees. You can read more about the various funding options by clicking here.
There are various important timelimits when contesting a will which must be followed, otherwise your claim will not be able to made. The most important deadline for contesting a will, is 6 months from the date after probate is issued. More detail on contesting a will timelimits can be found here.