Signing of a will : probate problems

The recent Supreme Court ruling in the case of Marley illustrates the tragic consequences of what can go wrong when a will is incorrectly signed. The facts of the case are very straightforward. Mr & Mrs Rawlings had mirror wills drafted, leaving everything to each other. If that failed their estates would pass to the…

Caveats In Contested Probate

If you are unhappy with a will it is important to immediately seek legal help. In any contested probate claim, it is always important to try and prevent probate being issued, so that appropriate investigations can be undertaken.To do this, something called a Caveat can be issued. This is a fairly straightforward procedure and involves…

What is a Caveat ?

If there is a dispute over a will or an estate, it is important that probate is not issued. One way of preventing probate is to issue what is called a Caveat. This is issued following an application to the probate registry and once in place lasts for a period of some 6 months. After the…