Probate Process In The UK

As a firm specialising in probate we often get asked about the probate process, what does it involve and how long does it take ? The probate process typically has four key stages, firstly accessing the Deceased persons estate and how their will is to be administered. For example, is there a will or did…

Common Probate problems and mistakes

As a firm specialising in probate, we frequently  help those clients when something goes wrong or a mistake arises when the estate is administered. So what are the most common mistakes and what can be done ? Issues with the Will. Frequently, the probate registry may well require more evidence as to the validity of…

French Probate In the UK

Do you need help collecting UK assets for someone who has died In France ? The starting point is to appreciate that inheritance laws in France and the UK are entirely different. For example, the inheritance tax system is different ( although the spouse exemption applies to both countries ) in France the beneficiaries are taxed unlike…

How does Probate Work ?

Probate can at best be confusing so where to start ? what is important is to find out whether you actually need probate. Typically, if the deceased person had assets in excess of £15,000 a grant of probate will be required, which is in essence a legal document issued by the probate court ( called the…

Civil Partnerships Probate and Wills

If you have entered into a Civil Partnership this means that on the death of your partner, the surviving spouse will inherit in the same was as in the case of married couples. As a result of this, if you have entered into a legally binding Civil Partnership, you will be able to reply upon…

Who Can Apply For Probate ?

We are frequently asked who can apply for probate. The answer ultimately depends upon whether there is a will or the Deceased died intestate. If the deceased left a will, it usually names one or more ‘executors’ who can apply for the grant of probate. If the named executor(s) do not want to act, someone else…