Holidays from Hell what to do when your holiday doesn’t quite go to plan………..we can help
With the British weather finally showing some promise, and parents searching for things to occupy their children during the seemingly endless summer holidays, what happens if your summer holiday doesn’t quite go according to plan and you end up injured whilst on holiday and it wasn’t your fault. Is there anything you can do ?
Call our holiday accident helpline on 0845 568 4000
Sadly accidents involving British Tourists abroad are on increase. Accident types vary from the traditional fall on the shinny tiled hotel floor, through to accidents in swimming pools, food poisoning, or injuries sustained whilst on excursions. One famous case involved a claim by a tourist injured when he fell into a tiger trap whilst on Safari ! the Tour Guide hadn’t apparently provided any warning !
Call our holiday accident helpline on 0845 568 4000
If you are injured abroad, and you believe that the accident wasn’t your fault, then it might be the case that you can claim from your tour operator by virtue of the Travel Package Regulations. These rules often found at the back of a tour brochure in tiny small print, enable you to bring your claim for Compensation in the UK ( as opposed to where the accident arose )  as they make the tour operator responsible for all services provided as part of the holiday package booked. If your are injured abroad, here are 7 top tips to ensure your claim succeeds :-
1. Immediately report the accident or incident to the Tour Operator or hotel manager
2. Take photographs of the incident scene. These days all digital cameras or mobile phones will have the precise date the picture was taken which is always useful.
3. Make a careful note of any witnesses or other holiday makers that may have suffered the same problem eg. this can be particularly important in food poisoning claims
4.Notify your travel insurer immediately. Often a term of most policies is that they are immediately informed of any incident. This is important if medical treatment abroad is required.
5.Keep a diary for all losses sustained, and ensure that receipts are kept.
6. On return to the UK immediately notify your Tour Operator and send a letter of Complaint.
7.If injured appoint a specialist personal injury solicitor – sometimes tour operators may send an apology and holiday vouchers – often not enough if you have suffered a broken leg.
Tim Murden is a specialist personal injury solicitor who regularly helps injured holiday makers. If you have suffered an accident whilst abroad contact, he can be contacted on 01482 63 8564, or at