Numerous reports are made each year regarding the number of people that actually make a will. Sadly, the number doesn’t appear to be rising. Currently, only 30% of the population have a will, so why is this ?
The most common reason is often that whilst young most people don’t have many assets and therefore don’t feel the need to make a will. Others when questioned suggested that the will wouldn’t benefit them ( if unmarried ) so why bother ? cost certainly isn’t often a factor as the majority of wills are often very modest in value whilst some Charities will often pay for a will.
Making a will is important regardless as to your age and whether you have Children. Making a will ensures that your assets such as a property, or money in a bank account goes to those persons named in your will, and not subject to the intestacy rules which set out what happens when there is no will.
Having a will is particularly important if you have Children, as a will would enable you to appoint Guardians for your Children as well as ensure that their welfare is fully looked after.
Making a will is pain free, easy and quick – call us on 01482 429985 today to make your will.