If you have suffered an injury as a result of a criminal act can you claim compensation ? well the answer is yes under the Government funded Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme ( CICA ) remarkably few people even know about the existence of the scheme, which has a fixed tariff for every type of injury. payouts start at £1,000, for injuries classified as minor for example a broken nose or finger etc, and rise upto £250,000, for those very serious injuries when someone may have suffered catastrophic injuries.

So who can get an award under the Criminal Injuries Compensation ?

  • the scheme is administered by the government who are very strict in ensuring every claim meets their criteia which is as follows :-
  • the criminal incident must have occurred within the last 2 years : the CICA are very strict on this and only in exceptional cases will the 2 year rule be extended
  • the incident must have been reported to the police
  • you must co-operate fully with the Police eg. provided a witness statement and helped with any Criminal Prosecution
  • the incident mus not have been your fault eg. if you started a fight or was drunk the CICA may often reject a claim
  • If you have a Criminal record the CICA can reject or reduce your award

We have a dedicated team that handle victims of crime claims to the CICA, if you have been injured as a result of a Criminal act we can help you., claim the maximum payout. Our claim line is 01482 429985  or mail tim.murden@tmsolicitors.co.uk